Perman Technical Search Group

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Counter-Offer Counter Measures

In today’s market, it is not uncommon for candidates to receive several offers at once. One of which will be the dreaded counter offer by the candidates current company. If this happens, your time, our time and the candidates time is all lost. It’s a lose-lose situation, and therefore one that you and I need to work together on to prevent.

It is important for you to gain as much info and knowledge of the candidate, with our help, as you possible can. I will discuss in great detail the subject of counter-offer with the candidate and measures to overcome that counter-offer. By you supplying me with ALL the info. I request from you and keeping communication open between you and I during interviewing, and during the offer preparation stages, we can work together to obtain a successful offer acceptance.

In today’s Candidate driven market, it is crucial that the employer is as prepared for the hiring process as is the candidate. Below we have added some important information to help you, the hiring manager, succeed in selecting the best and brightest talent for your company. Feel free to contact us with any questions or for additional information.

  1. What Candidates are looking for in a new Company
  2. Nine Pitfalls of Employment Interviews
  3. Cost per Hire (figuring your actual cost to hire an employee)
  4. Counter-Offer Counter Measures

For additional information on interviewing, and career search methods I highly recommend a book called: Knock em Dead and Knock em Dead Resumes, written by Martin Yate.

Gary Perman is a certified recruiting professional and owns PermanTech, which specializes in recruiting technology executives, managers and engineers. He hosts an employment-technology blog.

See our Blog for Technology discussions,Interviewing advice, comments relating to IT, Software, Technology issues.